Senior Care Resources
Help the Elderly Stay In Their Home
An interesting article by Sylvia Kittens tells us the longer the elderly can stay at home the better, many become depressed in nursing homes and they do not always receive the best care.
With a few modifications, they can stay home longer and be much happier.
Home Care Services for Seniors Versus Nursing Homes
Doug Themas compares the benefits of Home Care Services for Seniors and Nursing Home Care.
He feels the advantages of receiving home care services rather than living in a nursing home cannot be underestimated. The ability to maintain some level of independence can go a long way to improve the superiority of life for elder adults.
Have you ever wondered what’s considered a normal part of the aging process?
The Mayo Clinic tells you what changes you can expect in your body as you continue to age and what you can do to promote good health. Your cardiovascular, digestive and urinary tract systems are covered along with bones, joints, muscles and your very important memory. offers excellent insight on a variety of challenges faced by those caring for an elder parent. Take advantage of these wonderful resources.